
model : object

Useful namespace for helping with Model utility functions

Kind: global namespace

model.loadDAE(filePath) ⇒ Promise.<THREE.Mesh>

Loads Collada file

Kind: static method of model
Returns: Promise.<THREE.Mesh> - - the promise of the loaded mesh object.

Param Type Description
filePath string The path to the file(s) needing to be loaded. For now this only supports the full path and the relative path directly to the file.

model.loadFBX(filePath) ⇒ Promise.<THREE.Mesh>

Loads FBX file

Kind: static method of model
Returns: Promise.<THREE.Mesh> - - the promise of the loaded mesh object.

Param Type Description
filePath string The path to the file(s) needing to be loaded. For now this only supports the full path and the relative path directly to the file.

model.loadGLTF(filePath) ⇒ Promise.<THREE.Mesh>

Loads GLTF/GLB file

Kind: static method of model
Returns: Promise.<THREE.Mesh> - - the promise of the loaded mesh object.

Param Type Description
filePath string The path to the file(s) needing to be loaded. For now this only supports the full path and the relative path directly to the file.

model.loadSTL(filePath) ⇒ Promise.<THREE.Mesh>

Loads stl file

Kind: static method of model
Returns: Promise.<THREE.Mesh> - - the promise of the loaded mesh object.

Param Type Description
filePath string The path to the file(s) needing to be loaded. For now this only supports the full path and the relative path directly to the file.

model.loadUSDZ(filePath) ⇒ Promise.<THREE.Mesh>

Loads USD/USDZ file

Kind: static method of model
Returns: Promise.<THREE.Mesh> - - the promise of the loaded mesh object.

Param Type Description
filePath string The path to the file(s) needing to be loaded. For now this only supports the full path and the relative path directly to the file.

model.loadModel(filePath, extension) ⇒ Promise.<THREE.Mesh>

The main loading function

Kind: static method of model
Returns: Promise.<THREE.Mesh> - - the promise of the loaded mesh object.

Param Type Description
filePath string The path to the file(s) needing to be loaded. For now this only supports the full path and the relative path directly to the file.
extension string The extension of the file type. Current allowed extensions are fbx, glb, and stl.