<mr-entity data-comp-anchor="type: plane; label: table"></mr-entity>
Anchoring is achieved using the anchoring component, data-comp-anchor
, it has 4 attributes:
There are currently three types of anchors:
Positions the anchored element directly in front of the user whenever an XR session is started.
Allows the user to place the anchored element where they choose, using a look/pinch gesture. The user can place it floating in their space or on the scene mesh.
Anchors the element to the nearest plane that matches the specified label or orientation.
If no label or orientation is specified, the element will be anchored to the nearest plane.
Note: each plane is limited to one anchor for simplicity. To anchor multiple entities to a single plane, group them under a parent entity and anchor the parent entity.
Plane anchor attributes
These attributes are only relevant to plane anchors.
This attribute is useful when you wish to anchor to a plane of any given orientation, regardless of label.
Supported values: horizontal
, vertical
Use this to target a specific type of plane, such as a table or wall.
Supported values: wall
, floor
, ceiling
, table
By default, planes occlude virtual content behind them, use this flag to disable occlusion.
Values: true
(default), false